Those Who Stand At the Top

a One Piece Warlord Zine

Those Who Stand at the Top is a charity fanzine dedicated to the warlords of One Piece. While we will allow content with other One Piece characters the main goal is to highlight the warlords. As the focus is on these characters and not any specific arc canon and AU pieces are more than welcome!

This zine will be SFW, thus gore and explicit content will not be part of this zine. Though, canon level violence and swearing will be permitted.

As not every warlord is as popular as the others (cough Blackbeard) all warlords will not receive the same amount of content, the distribution of content will be based on Interest Check results!

All profits from this zine will be going towards: Anera

All other information can be found HERE

Head Mod/Graphics Mod: Imani
@simpking69 on Twitter

Merch and Production Mod/The Zoro to Head Mod Imani's Luffy: Mia
@leoniepinelli on Tumblr

Art Mod/Finance Mod: Sadara
@ZorosSidePiece on Twitter

Writing Mod: Kelsey
@keletania on Tumblr

Intern Art Mod: Tiger @tigergoots on Twitter

Intern Writing Mod. Pan @panoflight on Twitter

Intern Graphics Mod: KiMOCherry @kimocherryworks on Twitter

timeline is subject to change
November 7 - December 6: Interest Check
December 12 - January 21: Mod Applications
February 1 - March 1: Contributor Applications
March 18: Contributor Application Result Emails sent out
April 1- July 30: Creation Phase
August 5 - September 5: Preorders!!
October: Shipping

Get in touch with us and stay up to date on everything we're doing by supporting us on our Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr!